How Can I Get Better?
An Action Plan for Treating Resistant Lyme & Chronic Disease
Horowitz is one of the most prominent ‘Lyme Literate’ physician...patients wait for months to see him, and several told me that he had essentially cured them of a disease that nobody else seemed able to treat.
Dear friends,
I am excited to let you know that my new book, "How Can I Get Better? An Action Plan for Treating Resistant Lyme & Chronic Disease" is now available earlier than expected on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Since my original book came out in November 2013, I have heard from many people that a simpler, easier to read version for patients and health care providers would be helpful, with updated scientific advances in the field.
"How Can I Get Better?" is the book you have asked me to write. It contains brand new research on Lyme diagnostics and treatment, emerging Borrelia species and co-infections, EXCITING data on pulsing and persister protocols (which is working in many patients who have failed other regimens!), with important scientific updates in the 16 point MSIDS map that impact your health.
This handbook will help guide other health care providers to create a comprehensive and effective treatment plan to guide their patients back to health. It will also give you a better understanding of all of the new science on pulsing and persister protocols that is turning out to be so effective in our office.
Wishing you the best of health.

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